A Maintenance Oriented Podcast For Airplane Owners, Pilots, and Mechanics

Month: October 2021

190 – The Cessna 172 is Flying Again!

It’s been a long and in-depth annual inspection, along with the extensive list of squawk repairs. But it’s a great airplane, and I’d love to fly it if I had the opportunity!

In today’s podcast, we cover the remaining squawks on this airplane, concluding with scale weighing the aircraft, and sending it back out into the blue skies yesterday!

I’m confident the owner will get many happy and safe hours of flying out of this amazing airplane.

Be sure to check out the store page to learn more about the services I provide. If I can help you in any way, leave me a voice message by clicking the tab over on the right side of the page or send me an email to dean{at}airplaneownermaintenance{dot}com


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189 – Cessna 172 Squawks Part Two

In episode 188, we covered the first 30 squawks on a Cessna 172 that’s in the shop for an annual inspection and a bunch of repairs.

In this episode, we are tackling another chunk of the squawks and repairs.

Here’s a sampling:

Under the pilot instrument panel, some wiring was tied to one of the fuel primer lines… a bad idea. I secured the wiring away from the primer line.

Here’s another one: the owner did not like the old, large throttle knob, and was ready to change the whole throttle control cable. Instead, I found a new knob that worked very well, and looks much nicer. (The knob in my hand is the old one.)

And another one: the instrument panel shock mounts were sagging, cracked, and broken:

In the next episode, I’m planning to finish the Cessna 172 squawks, and by then, the airplane should be back in the air!

As always, if I can help you with evaluating borescope images, reviewing maintenance records, or one-on-one consulting, you can check out the options on the STORE PAGE here on the website.

Have a great week!

188 – Cessna 172 Squawks and Repairs

It certainly looked like a crusty old engine when we removed the cowling for the annual inspection.

The exterior is one thing… but perhaps even more importantly, I wondered about the internal condition of the engine.

Surprisingly, the borescope showed the cylinders to be in amazingly good condition on the inside. Perhaps this was partially due to lots of consistent flying in the past couple years.

Since the airplane had been in Florida before it was sold, there were multiple areas of corrosion to clean and repaint. Just the other day, it was “spotty green,” as we had primed the bare spots in preparation for paint.

In this week’s podcast episode, we cover the first 30 squawks… we’ll continue through the list in another episode.

Have a great week everyone!

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