A Maintenance Oriented Podcast For Airplane Owners, Pilots, and Mechanics

Month: August 2024

245 – A Crazy and Amazing Week!

The week I’m talking about here was almost too full!

But I wouldn’t change a thing.

A real highlight was taking my Pennsylvania cousin for a short flight in a Piper Cherokee:

From Sunday to Friday, I had the following opportunities:

  • Flew every day except Tuesday… this was unusual!
  • Did an owner-assisted annual inspection on a Bonanza.
  • Spent an afternoon with my grandson… I love him so much!
  • My cousin Dan stayed overnight with us and I took him flying… Maria made us a tasty supper, and we enjoyed some great conversation with Dan. A fun side note – Dan and I were born about a week apart years ago!
  • … and probably more that I can’t remember right now 🙂

Also, during the Bonanza inspection with my friend Mike, we adjusted the fuel quantity circuit board adjustments a bit to make them indicate accurately when the tanks are full… the maintenance manual had excellent instructions which also agreed with the very clear information on the circuit boards themselves located just under the top center part of the instrument panel glare shield… here’s a photo:

It was an awesome week, and I recorded some thoughts about it for at least a couple reasons:

One, I hope you might find some inspiration and encouragement in it.

And two, I wanted to document the week a bit to help me remember it in the future.

So… if you’d like to hear more about the adventures of this particular week, listen to the audio for this week’s podcast.

Thanks, and have a great day!

The post, “245 – A Crazy and Amazing Week!” appeared first at AirplaneOwnerMaintenance.com

244 – Down a CHT Rabbit Hole!

During a recent prebuy evaluation on this nice Beech A36 Bonanza, the question came up, “Does the old analog CHT gauge need to work in order for the airplane to be considered airworthy?”

(In this case, the analog CHT gauge had an INOP placard on it.)

Check it out:

The airplane has a JPI engine monitor installed (bottom right in the previous photo,) but it is not considered “primary” for CHT. And since CHT is required in the limitations section of the POH/AFM, the original analog CHT gauge must be operative.

Listen to the audio for this episode to hear the full story, including a discussion in the tech forum on the American Bonanza Society website (here’s a link to that ABS forum conversation if you’d like to read it):


Here’s the short story of how we resolved the issue on this airplane:

  • Removed the bayonet CHT probe for the JPI engine monitor, from cylinder #3.
  • Installed in its place a bayonet CHT thermistor probe in cylinder #3 and attached it to the existing wiring that was tied up on the right side of the engine.
  • Installed a spark plug type CHT probe for the JPI #3 CHT.

Now, everything should work, and the airplane will be officially airworthy.

If you have any thoughts you’d like to add to this topic, I’d love to hear them! Just click that tab over to the right and leave me a voice message.


The post, “244 – Down a CHT Rabbit Hole!” appeared first at AirplaneOwnerMaintenance.com