First of all today, thanks to Mike Busch with Savvy Aviation, and to Bret Chilcott with AgEagle, for two great interviews on the last two episodes.  I appreciate the opportunity to talk with both of them, and look forward to more guests on the show in the near future.

In today’s show, I’m sharing with you a recent experience I had working with some great guys, (3 generations!) on a Mooney M20 J.

That’s Larry on the left, then his grandson Ben, then his son Clark, and me on the right.  It was great working with these guys!

One thing we did, was change the landing gear shock discs.

The mains are pretty simple, but the nosegear takes a special tool.  The tool we used needed a modification to make it work properly, and Clark’s uncle, Lynn, was the right man for the job, since he’s a machinist.  He made us some bushings so we could space those bars on the outside of the gear legs to make room for the new shock discs.





Also, check out this incredible wedding reception my family attended recently in Florida!  We had no idea it was going to be at an airport!

What a cool place for a wedding reception!  The brother of the bride runs the maintenance shop at X58 at Indiantown, Florida, and he surprised everyone by flying the bride and groom into this grass strip in his Piper Comanche.







If you have an airplane anywhere near Indiantown, I highly recommend you contact Charles Stence.  You can check out his services at

Thanks everyone… see you in the next episode!