A Maintenance Oriented Podcast For Airplane Owners, Pilots, and Mechanics

Author: Dean Showalter (Page 17 of 26)

091 – An Engine Failure that Lands a Piper Arrow in a Farm Field

I’m back!  I know it’s been a while since I’ve produces a new episode for the podcast, and it’s good to be back.

Today, we are talking about an engine failure in a Piper Arrow, that caused an off-airport crash landing in a farm field.  Thankfully, in this case, no one was injured.

The reason for the power loss was really quite simple, and really important.  The throttle control rod end became disconnected from the throttle arm on the engine, leaving the pilot with no power control and the engine at or near idle power.  An emergency landing was inevitable.

Here’s a picture of the throttle control rod end:

After the crash landing in the field, the rod end was reattached and the engine ran just fine.

The sad part is, the airplane will possibly be totaled.  Here’s the recovered fuselage:

Thanks for listening today!

Please, go take a look at your engine controls whenever you have the cowling off, and see if any need attention.

Also, if you have not checked out the video course, “Safety Wire Like A Pro!” then I invite you to click the graphic that says “Learn to Safety Wire with Dean.”  You can learn all kinds of valuable information in this course.  And whenever you see something like this oil drain that is safety wired backwards, you’ll be able to fix it with confidence.

If you have any questions on this episode, please contact me.  And, if you leave me a voice message, I’ll be happy to include it in a future episode.






090 – Severe Turbulence and the Baron’s Left Engine Almost Quit!

A couple weeks ago, a Beechcraft Baron owner requested Classic Aviation to take a look at his airplane.   He had flown through some severe turbulence, and then the left engine almost quit.  Finally, he discovered that if he pulled the left mixture control about half way back, the engine would run.

A ground run confirmed the problem.   As power was increased on that engine, the fuel flow would increase to a point where it was too rich to run.

After inspecting the engine with no obvious external issues, we removed the engine driven fuel pump, the fuel control unit / throttle body assembly, and the flow divider, and sent them to Mike’s Aircraft Fuel Metering in Tulsa, Oklahoma for overhaul.  Here’s the pump:

We also changed a few old, stiff fuel hoses.

It turns out that the engine driven fuel pump had debris in it, and that was most likely the cause of the engine problem.

During the process, we removed and cleaned the fuel strainers.  These pictures are the left one:






I cleaned the strainers and reinstalled them with the proper seals.

We also drained both main tanks (the ones that were being used when the in flight problem happened.)  The left drain valve had a significant amount of debris in it:

It looked much better after cleaning:

During the process, I discovered a couple other things as well.  One was a severely worn stud at the base of the throttle body that is used to support the exhaust tailpipe:






Here’s a closer view after removing the throttle body:







One other thing was that the left fuel strainer drain valve was leaking at the threads.  but instead of needing to reseal the threads, I discovered the fitting was cracked and needed to be replaced.

After fixing these issues, and reinstalling the fuel system components, we flushed clean fuel through the lines with the boost pump, right up to the engine driven pump, and then attached the fuel feed hose to the pump.  After checking for leaks, it was time for a runup.  The fuel pressures and flows were good, and the left idle speed and mixture needed some adjusting, which is normal after having the fuel control / throttle body assembly overhauled.  (The Continental fuel system setup information is in SID 97-3G.)

That bulletin can be seen here:  https://www.twincessna.org/pdf/SID97-3G.pdf

Here’a another article about fuel system setup:


And a good article by Mike Busch about takeoff fuel flow:


As I reflected on this whole story, I realized several things:

  1. The routine cleaning of fuel system filters and screens is really important.
  2. Cleaning fuel screens requires attention to detail.
  3. If a fuel tank sump drain is slow to drain, it might indicate debris in the fuel tank.
  4. When working on any specific issue, it’s a good idea to look at the surrounding areas for any additional work needed.


Now for the fun part of this episode.  I’ve met a couple that I want to introduce to you, John and Leslie Caubble.  Leslie left a voice message recently, which is in the audio for this episode… thank you Leslie!

John and Leslie are absolutely fascinating people, who are very involved in general aviation, and a lot of other things.  Their podcast has become a new favorite of mine.  It’s called “The Aloha 360.”  Yes, they live in Hawaii!  Listen to the episode and hear more about them.

They have all kinds of interesting episodes, but you might start with Episode 3:  Why I Learned to Fly.

You can find their podcast website here:









089 – What Else Should I Do While My Engine is Removed?

During the engine change, it’s a great time to take care of some other items that are much easier to access when the engine is not in the way.

Before we get to that, I want to thank Brad Schmidt for his recent iTunes review.  Brad is a friend of Bret Chilcott and he, like Bret, owns a Stinson aircraft.   Brad loves the tube and fabric airplanes, and it reminded me of an Aeronca champ my previous boss owned years ago… you’ll have to listen to the episode to hear a little more about that airplane.

In today’s episode, we talk about an email question I received earlier this month.   JD Goldstein’s eagle eye mechanic found a crack in his engine case during the inspection, and he ended up needing to change the engine.  Naturally, he was wondering, “What else should I consider doing while the engine is out of the airplane?”

JD’s mechanic had some ideas and recommendations, JD himself had some, and then I also had some ideas.  Here are at least some of those ideas:

  1. Thorough cleaning.
  2. Replacing all hoses with new.
  3. Replacing any deteriorated wiring.
  4. Removing the engine mount if it’s a tube type.
    1. Strip paint off.
    2. Inspect.
    3. Paint or powder coat.
    4. Reinstall (replace worn hardware.)
  5. Closely examine engine control cables and rod ends, and replace as necessary.
  6. New engine shock mounts and new hardware.
  7. Look at everything on firewall for any needed repairs or preventive maintenance.

Another little reminder, if you haven’t checked out the video tutorial course, “Safety Wire Like A Pro!,” then please go check it out.  Here’s the link:  https://airplane-owner-maintenance.teachable.com/p/safetywiring

Jeremy Zawodny sent me some good feedback about the course, and he’s already putting it to good use, on his airplanes.  Well done Jeremy!


One last thing, I wanted to especially recommend the latest episode of Airplane Intel Podcast… stories and recordings of live interviews from Sun N Fun.   That episode was released just this week.

Here’s a link to that episode:  https://www.airplaneprebuy.com/snf

Have a great week everyone!


088 – No RPM Drop When I Select Left Mag

Ignition system issues and a couple other strange scenarios… that’s what we’ve got for today.

Also, if you have not seen Dean’s safety wiring tutorial course, be sure to check out the details here:

Click Here for full details.

In today’s episode, we talk about three different airplanes, and the issues each one had with their ignition system.   Perhaps if you encounter something similar in the future, this information will be helpful in troubleshooting your airplane’s situation.

Before getting into those issues, we also talk about a couple out-of-the-ordinary situations that might be worth mentioning.  Here they are:

  1. An ACK E-01 ELT that would not test properly.  It turns out that one of the eight Duracell “D” batteries was corroded internally causing it to show no voltage.
  2. An intermittent master electrical switch.  The switch contacts had burnt spots on them.

Now for the ignition system issues:

  1. A Piper Cherokee 235:  During the mag timing check, I discovered the mags were “hot” even with the ignition switch in the “off” position.  The switch was not able to ground properly because the broken portions of the shielding ground wiring on the P-leads.  A new ground wire from the ground terminal of the ignition switch to the airframe, fixed this problem.
  2. A Mooney M20J:  A transient airplane at SHD, that ran rough when the right mag was selected.  After some head-scratching trouble shooting, we discovered the P-leads in the dual magneto were swapped… they were installed in the  wrong positions.  After installing the P-leads in the correct positions and replacing the #4 bottom spark plug due to a cracked ceramic, the engine ran just fine, and they were on their way again.  Tom McFadden is the owner of this airplane… a super friendly guy I might add.  He had an interesting business where he provides a  service to digitize aircraft maintenance records.  You can find information at MyAvBook.com
  3. A Cessna 172RG:  The pilot / owner reported  “Repair left mag (no RPM drop.)”  It turns out the right mag P-lead was broken, causing no RPM drop when left mag was selected.  This was because there was no capability to ground the right mag, since the P-lead was broken.

If you know of any interesting ignition system stories, let me know and maybe we can include some of those in a future episode.

Happy troubleshooting, and safe flying!

087 – No Nose Gear Down Light in a Piper Arrow

Today, we’re talking about Piper Arrow landing gear.  Specifically, an airplane that landed at SHD recently and the nose gear light did not illuminate.  Listen to this episode to find out why the light did not come on, and some troubleshooting tips to think about.

We also cover several other fun things right in the beginning of the show.  Here they are:

  1. Speed brakes on a Piper Matrix.  Be sure to go back to episode 052 and watch the startling video of how quickly these speed brakes can collapse if they lose electrical power!  http://airplaneownermaintenance.com/052  (The video is only 8 seconds long, but it’s really fun to watch… I watched it twice just the other day!)
  2. What I learned about a lightning diverter on that Piper Matrix.
  3. Some interesting information from an A&P student named Sawyer.
  4. A non-aviation friend of mine who listens to the podcast.  Thank you Frank Lipski!  Here’s Frank’s website:


  5. An interesting thing about the Piper Matrix landing gear.

Then, we talk about that Piper Arrow and why the nose gear down light did not illuminate.

And here’s the question of the day:  Do you know what the pressure switch does in the Piper Arrow landing gear system?  I’ve noticed there can be some confusion about this, and hopefully we are helping to clear up some confusion in today’s episode.

One final thing:  If you have not checked out the Safety Wire Like A Pro! video tutorial course, be sure to check it out.  There are 15 videos to help make you a safety wiring expert.  Click Here to read all about it and decide if it’s something you should do.

Have a great week everyone!


086 – Never Select “Gear Up” on the Ground!

Can you safety wire your airplane’s oil filter?  How about the fuel strainer?  If not, here’s a resource that can help you:

It’s the new online video course to learn how to perform safety wiring…

Click here and read all about it.

Retractable landing gear is a truly amazing thing.  But if it’s not rigged and maintained properly, retractable landing gear can cause some serious issues.

Today, we are talking about something that may not get a lot of attention, but can be really useful to know about, especially during maintenance, but also in learning about retractable gear systems.

Here’s the question that prompted this episode:

“Is there a way to open the landing gear doors on this particular Cessna 210, without putting the airplane on jacks?”

Listen to today’s episode to discover the answer to this question, and also to learn about the unique designs of some other common retractable gear airplanes, like Pipers, Twin Cessnas, and Bonanzas / Barons.

Remember, as the title of this episode says, NEVER select gear up on the ground!  Not even in the maintenance shop.

Remember to check out the video tutorial course, “Safety Wire Like A Pro!”  This course will walk you through everything you need to know to perform safety wiring with skill and confidence.  You’ll learn the type and size of safety wire to use, the tools you’ll need, and specific examples of the most common components airplane owners would need to safety wire.  It’s like having Dean right there with you, while you’re practicing your safety wiring.  So check it out today!

Click here to learn more about the safety wiring course.

085 – V-Tail Bonanza Cable Tensions

Cable tensions are a really important part of an airplane’s flight control system.   In today’s podcast, we’ll talk about the situation I faced recently on a V-tail Bonanza.

I want to say a BIG THANK YOU to those who have purchased the “Safety Wire Like A Pro!” video tutorial course.

And for those who are still thinking about it, this is a great way to hone your safety wiring skills.  You can read about it here and decide if it’s a good option for you:

Safety Wire Like A Pro!

Here’s what Bruce, the owner of a K35 Bonanza had to say about the course:

“I love the safety wiring course!  Nice going.  The first two videos alone

are worth the purchase price. Watching you rewire the A36 Bonanza drain

plug was perfect– I feel like I understand much more now about how to do

the wiring I need to on my Be-k35.  I’ve watched the first 5 already and

I love the pictures, specific guidance and your commentary.

This is a great contribution to my quest to be a safe owner.  Thanks very

much.  I’m glad you decided to do these.”

A couple of tips from today’s episode:

  • Always do an extra thorough preflight inspection after any maintenance work is done.
  • Design a custom-made hardware box for your airplane.  The owner of a Mooney M20J made one with a simple plastic divider box.  It works very well, and is one way to make the annual inspection process a bit more efficient.

Now for today’s feature:  control cable tensions.

The V-tail Bonanza has a complex differential mechanism in the tail, that makes everything function and move properly.  It’s important that everything be rigged and adjusted properly, in order for all the control surfaces to do their job.  During a recent annual inspection, I noticed that all the control cables needed some tightening, to get them in the maintenance manual specs.  I was considering having the owner take the airplane to a shop where they “specialize” in that type of work, but after a couple phone calls and talking with the owner, I discovered that the best option was to just go ahead and do it in our shop.

I think  the biggest thing that needed to change about the whole process, was my thinking.  I was asking the wrong question.  I was asking, “Can I do this task?”  I should have been asking, “How will I do this task?”

Over the years, I’ve done a lot of flight control rigging, and cable tension adjusting.  It’s just that the V-tail Bonanza is a little more complex than most.  So it deserves some special attention to ensure everything is correct.

Listen to today’s episode to find out how all the flight control cable tensions were set in a way that did not change the rigging of those tail surfaces, and in the case of the ailerons, actually improved the rigging in a very simple way.

This situation reminds me of the importance of making some observations BEFORE getting started on cable tension adjustments.  Here are a few questions that might help:

  1. Do all controls contact the stops?
  2. Do controls align properly?
  3. If any controls do not align properly, can that situation be improved while tightening cables?

So that’s my latest story of control cable tensions – very important to have all tensions and travels in the maintenance manual specs.

As I think through that whole situation, Here are some thoughts I have now, that I hope might help you, as you think about YOUR airplane.

  1. If you’re not sure about your control cable tensions, have them verified at the next annual.
  2. BUT, make sure you’re dealing with an A&P you trust.
  3. These kinds of situations can get out of control quickly.
  4. Think about the big picture and check all positions before getting started.
  5. Take notes… don’t rely on memory!
  6. Record all changes made… how much you tightened each turnbuckle.  (Just in case you need to go back to where you started from.)
  7. Safety all turnbuckles.
  8. Verify full and proper operation of all control systems.
  9. Document work in detail… I prefer to list mm specs in log entry…. this can be helpful in the future.
  10. Have a test flight done.

Hope that’s helpful as you think about your airplane… I’m very sure there are a lot of airplanes flying around out there with cable tensions that are below specs.   You might want to get yours checked out at the next annual inspection.

Have a great week, and don’t forget to check out the safety wiring video course.  Here’s one more note from Bruce after he finished the course:

Last weekend, I completed the safety wiring course.  Outstanding!!  I feel much more confident now in doing my oil filter.

Get all the details here:

Safety wiring video tutorial course.


084 – I Want You to Question the Safety of Your Airplane

Yep, you heard me right.

But don’t worry, it’s not for some weird, fear-driven reason.

This is for a good reason… I want you to question the safety of your airplane, so that you will go on a search to find anything that might need some attention.  You might be able to do that search yourself, or you might want to grab your A&P, or a fellow aviator, to help you.

Whatever the case, don’t fly around with something like I discovered the other day as I was inspecting a Lycoming IO-360 engine.

If you look closely at the picture, you will notice the center plug is safetied backwards.  If you were to put a wrench on the plug and turn it in the loosening direction (left) you would be able to turn it perhaps 1/4 turn.  This would be enough to cause a significant fuel leak.  This safety wiring on the plug, is beautiful, but it’s backwards!

What about you? Have you taken a close look at your airplane’s engine recently? If not, it might be a good time to take a look. And one thing to look for, is to confirm that all safety wiring is installed properly, in such a way that not only does it look nice, (which is important in my opinion,) but it is actually done correctly so that the component or piece of hardware, cannot become loose. You certainly do not want to be flying along and have something shake loose on your engine!

I know you want to fly safely and confidently, knowing you’ve done everything you can to make that happen.

But what if you’re not sure what to look for? What if you lack the confidence to determine if all the safety wiring is done properly?

If this is your situation, I can absolutely help you. I have created a tool to help airplane owners just like yourself, to develop the ability, not only to evaluate safety wiring to determine if it’s correct or not, but to also develop the personal skill to perform safety wiring. “Safety Wire Like A Pro!” is a powerful video tutorial course, designed to walk airplane owners through all the necessary steps, to perform safe and effective safety wiring, on a variety of components, every time. It will also give you the ability to evaluate safety wiring, using my three-part criteria. You’ll know how to determine when safety wire is done properly, when it’s done poorly, when it’s backwards, and when it’s just ugly.

But more importantly, you’ll be able to install safety wiring yourself in a way that you know for sure it is done correctly.

It took me years to get really good at this skill. But I’ve boiled it down into a clear-cut, easy to follow, set of tutorial videos. If you go through the course, and practice your skills, you can learn quickly, what it took me a long time to learn.

If you’ve never done any safety wiring at all, this course is for you.

Or, if you’ve done a little safety wiring, this course is for you also, and has the very real potential to help you get much better at it.

And if you’ve done a lot of safety wiring, this course is still for you, because I’m guessing you may discover something you were not aware of, that will be a difference maker for you, and take your safety wiring skill to a new level.

So what are you waiting for?

Go sign up now, for “Safety Wire Like A Pro!” and take your safety wiring to a new level.

Don’t wait, because from now until the end of February, you can get a $30 discount on the course. The normal price is $97, but until the end of February, you can get it for $67 by using the code “WIRINGCOURSE” at checkout.

I look forward to seeing you in the course,

Dean Showalter

083 – Can Airplane Owners “Safety Wire Like A Pro?” Absolutely!

Good news:  The “Safety Wire Like A Pro” video tutorial course is now available!  You can read about it here:

Build Your Safety Wiring Skills with Dean

Or, just click the picture in the right sidebar that says, “Learn to safety wire with Dean.”

Regardless of your current skill level with preventive maintenance, I’m confident you can take your skill to a new level with this course.  And if you hurry, you can get a significant discount on the whole thing.

The normal price of the safety wiring course is $97.  But we are having a  discount to celebrate the release of our very first training course for airplane owners.  Now through the end of February, you can get it for $67.  What a deal!  Do it now, so you don’t forget about it.

To get the discount, just enter the code “WIRINGCOURSE” and it will take $30 off.

In today’s podcast episode, I talk about meeting one of the listeners who happens to be a student at the local A&P school at SHD.  It made my day!

I also talk about some recent things I’ve worked on at Classic Aviation, that made me think of the concept of “The problem behind the problem.”  You may be interested in going back and listening to episode #13, “Avoid the Gotchas,” after hearing this one.

The two issues we cover in this segment are a broken fitting on an engine driven fuel pump on a TSIO-550 engine in an experimental airplane, and a wiring harness plug that was not fully attached on the back of an HSI in an A36 Bonanza.

So back to the safety wiring course… I encourage you to try it out.  It’s a small investment that can make a big difference.  Think about it.  You need some safety wiring skills to  do some of the preventive maintenance items, and you need to make sure it’s done correctly.  Over a period of time, you can really save some labor bucks if you can perform these tasks yourself.  So invest in yourself and become confident with  your safety wiring.

It’s a no-risk investment… if you are not fully satisfied, you can get a full refund in the first 30 days.  That takes all the pressure off.

So go for it, and let’s learn together!

Also, some of you have asked me how you can help me.  Here are two ways:

  1. Buy the safety wiring course and hone your skills.
  2. Share this information wherever you can… forums, social media, and anywhere else you think is appropriate.  Thank you so much!

And if you need to buy safety wire pliers, here is a good option:

These are reversible, automatic return safety wire pliers.  There are cheaper options available, but these will serve you well.

A can of .032 safety wire is also a necessary item you’ll need for your safety wiring tasks.

As we release this first video training course for airplane owners, I want to say a huge THANK YOU to Bob Huber, my video editor.  He has been a superstar with the quality of work he’s done on the videos.  I could not have done it without him.  All the intros, music, special effects, and conclusions, are all Bob’s work, and I’m beyond grateful.  Thank you Bob!

One more thing… If you live in the Dallas / Fort Worth area in Texas, (or if you want to fly there,) and have an interest in public speaking, I’d love to meet you!  And here’s the perfect opportunity:

My good friend Brian Holmes is hosting a “Maximum Impact” speaker training workshop on Thursday, February 22nd, and I will be there.  I highly recommend all of Brian’s training, so go watch the short video and see if this might be a good fit for you… and as a bonus, I’d love to meet you too.

Watch Brian’s short video here.

Have a great week everyone, and don’t forget to check out the safety wiring course.

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082 – Design Your Airplane’s Interior With Maintenance In Mind

When it comes to airplane interiors, an important detail that can be totally overlooked, is how the interior installation will affect future maintenance operations.  I highly recommend you give it some thought if you’re considering having new interior installed in your airplane.

Before we get into that, here are some highlights of today’s episode:

  • Audio message from Tom Martin with an option for a great tool to remove and install inspection covers on fabric aircraft.
  • If you own a fabric airplane, you may want to get one of these kits for yourself, and one for your A&P… it would make a great gift!
  • Two iTunes reviews.
  • A brief report about why I traveled to Pigeon Forge, Tennessee this past week.  (I spent a few days with some of the most amazing young people on the planet! )
    • https://getunbound.org/  Check out this unique and inspiring way to get a college degree.
    • https://students.getunbound.org/launch/  This is the conference I spoke at this week.
    • https://lumeritscholar.com/

You might ask, why are you putting that information in here?  Good question.  Because I just spent a few days with some of the brightest young people I’ve ever seen, who have their sites set on really big dreams and goals.  I figured some of you might have kids who are about ready to go to college, and I thought I’d pass this info along as an excellent option and alternative to the typical college scenario.  Feel free to email me with any questions.

Now for today’s topic… Airplane Interiors, and how if affects maintenance.  The audio includes more details, but here are a few recommendations I have if you are considering a new interior for your airplane:

  1. Talk with your A&P or your IA and get ideas for how to design the interior in a way that makes the annual inspection simpler.
  2. Talk with owners of similar airplanes to get ideas.
  3. Ask questions in online forums.
  4. Brainstorm ideas for simple removal and reinstallation, especially seams and fasteners.
  5. Don’t use glue for areas that need to be accessible.  Use fasteners or snaps instead.

Remember, if you have a fabric airplane, scroll down and consider the tool kit Tom Martin recommended for removing and installing inspection covers… maybe get one for you and one for your A&P.

The “Safety Wire Like A Pro!” course is almost ready… I’ll let you know when it’s available.

Thanks everyone!

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