Today, I’m sharing with you a story about busting my knuckles trying to remove a locknut from an engine mount bolt.  The nut was bottomed out on the shank of the bolt, making it very hard to hold the bolt still while loosening the locknut.

I could have avoided all that if I had put my Mechanix gloves on first 🙂

You’ll also hear an audio message from Jerry Esquenazi, the owner of an RV 8 that he built, and also partner in an F33A Bonanza.  Thanks for the message Jerry!

One last thing, could you help me?  I need some feedback about what you need as an airplane owner, when it comes to maintenance.  I put together a VERY SHORT 3 question survey, and I’d be grateful if you could take a minute and answer 3 simple questions.  Thanks!

Here’s the link for the survey (it’s very short):

Click here to answer 3 quick questions.

Thanks for your feedback!
